Saturday, July 25, 2009

And Now Your Altitude and Memory's A Shame..

As usual, Jason's post is awesomely thought-provoking.

Soulmates. Which I wrote about recently in my personal journal. This telepathic thing is in place, I am no longer joking about it :)

I have wondered, if, in the Grand Ending of this world (if ever there is one in the Grand Scheme of Things), that all the Gods of all the religions turn out to be the same one, the One Almighty.

All religions start out with good intent, however in this convoluted world, we human beings have made things complicated.

Have you ever wondered how it was like during those cavemen times when the biggest worry was probably whether you're going to be eaten up by a T-Rex? They didn't have to worry about terrorism, crime (in today's sense of the word), global warming and so on. They probably also did not expect that evolution will take place, dinosaurs will be extinct, etc.

These days we worry, and we worry a lot.

We worry about rising temperatures due to global warming. We worry about depletion of natural resources and scramble to find alternative resources to replace them. We worry about warring nations and civil unrests. We worry about rising unemployment, economic downturns, layoffs and so on.

We brought this upon ourselves, yet it just seems too messy a tangle for it to be untangled any time soon.

Anyway, my rambling can go on and on. Jason's makes more sense.

So, share the message : Be Love.

p.s. Reminds me of the song : Love Is The Message in the early 90s. Who sang that?

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