Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"It's the Fault of Faulty Manufacturing.."

Men wearing hats are considered 'in-style' now.

In an online BBC news article shared in FB, they mentioned some public figures who don hats as part of their attire. Hugh Jackman has been named celebrity hat wearer of the year. Er, I don't recall a picture of him wearing a hat.

Jason wasn't mentioned. WTH. Neither was Indiana Jones (okay, so he's a fictional character).

I know J wears them so he doesn't have to bother about his hair. I am a bit confused though on the style of the hat he usually wears nowadays (like the one in the I'm Yours video)

Is that a fedora; a straw fedora? A coconut fedora? What's a trilby, then?

I remember seeing a girl at the departure lounge of Sandakan airport, and she was wearing this fedora-like hat and she even looked like Colbie with her nice cotton dress! I am embarrassed to admit that I took a picture discreetly, as she sat in front of me.

Anyhow, maybe I'll get one for myself some time in the future, if it fits my funny shaped head and I don't look too silly :)

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